Matchmaker Registration

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Cost Of Service

Do you charge for your Matchmaking services (either up-front or after a successful match is made)?

Other Matchmaker Association

Instructions: If you already know a Matchmaker on the site, who can be used as a reference for you, then please indicate (up to three) Matchmaker name(s) below. You should only select a Matchmaker’s name, if they know you well enough to be an additional reference.

Matchmaker background

Matchmaker Guidelines
  1. Matchmaker commitment to the singles and to MatchmakerHub: Work with at least 20 members- Search and try to match all your members at least once a week.
  2. MatchmakerHub is meant for committed Matchmakers. As a Matchmaker, you will focus on a minimum of 20 MatchmakerHub members. Many of the members you may already know, making you the ideal Matchmaker to match them more effectively using the MatchmakerHub system! You then commit to searching for your members at least once a week, sending appropriate matches to them through the online system.
  3. Spend a minimum of 6 hours per week matching your members: A minimum of 6 hours a week is necessary in order to service your members properly. This time includes online searching/matching, emails, phone calls to the singles and follow up regarding a match. Members can see in their online newsfeed every time you search for them, and seeing that you are dedicated to helping them, makes the dating process a more positive and less frustrating experience. They see how much you care!
  4. Call each member within 3 days of accepting them into your MatchmakerHub network: Members can apply specifically to your network (when you are available for new members), or you can add them to their network directly. When a member makes the effort to sign up, it’s essential they start the MatchmakerHub experience positively. You should therefore accept members (or decline with valid reason) into your network within 24 hours, and then email them to arrange a time to have a ‘Get to know you’ phone consultation (approximately 15 minutes long). This call should ideally take place within 3 days, so that you have a better understanding of the members’ personalities and dating needs, and can match them more effectively. If you already know the member, and you feel a call is not necessary, then simply update the relationship status with the member and start matching!
  5. All matches must be made online, through the site: MatchmakerHub is a tool to help Matchmakers make more matches, more effectively and more efficiently. In order for MatchmakerHub to continue to help both singles and Matchmaker, it is important you make Matchmaker Hub matches through the site. For example, i) if you find a person in the system, who you are not already attempting to match offline, or ii) if you perform a "Find Match" for a person that you already know and the result shows an appropriate match- then in either case you should only match the person on MatchmakerHub. A lot of time and resources have been invested into the algorithm and technology as well as expanding the market and we thank you in advance for joining us and using the site as a resource to make more matches. You are doing chesed by helping the members, but to match MatchmakerHub members offline, even with great intentions, is halachically not permissible and is stealing from the site.
    (Question: What happens if I personally know two people offline from the system, and I also did not use the system to help arrive at the match idea, can I make the match off the site? We would appreciate it if you would make the match through MatchmakerHub, but in this case, you may make the match offline.)
  6. You may not require a specific fee for your services: Although you cannot require specific payment for your matchmaking services, members should (and will be encouraged to) show their appreciation to you for successfully matching them to their spouse. We will send a letter to express this, which includes the link to the following page:
  7. Only married Matchmakers are allowed on the site: There are many amazing Matchmakers who are single, but we limit Matchmaker access to the site to only married Matchmakers.
  8. Security: Please do NOT give your user name or password to anyone (whether single or married), or allow anyone to view the Matchmaker system. Doing so, even with the best of intentions, is not halachically permissible and is stealing.
  9. We know that you will find the MatchMakerHub site incredibly helpful, but we encourage each Matchmaker to find and use the 1 site that best allows them to help people find their match. If you determine that MatchMakerHub is that site, then in order to help avoid confusion and conflict with our site policies, we ask that you NOT use or be listed on any other matchmaking site.